​​Sunrider® Lifestyle of Health, Beauty and Freedom

Why We Love Sunrider Stories

Dorothy Day - I love SR - it's “Simply the Best”
Heidi Porreca - Before SR – Constantly worked out-never satisfying results
Dennis & Pam Klepps – No more aging aches & pains
Carol Joy Wilhelm - At my age many slow down, not me!

Quinary - Restoring the Balance​

SunnyDew The Healthy Sweet
Quinary Restoring the Balance

NuPlus - Super Cell Foods

Calli - Daily Detox

Nourish + Cleanse = Balance

Fortune Delight - Super Hydrate

In one year you will have a new:

  • Lining of the stomach/intestines in 4-5 days
  • Taste buds in 2 weeks
  • Skin in 5 weeks
  • Liver in 8 weeks
  • Skeleton in 12 weeks

The Question is….
Will your new body by stronger or weaker than the one you have today?   Billions of cells die daily; cells reproduce constantly.

Choose Regeneration vs. Degeneration! 

Restoring new cells to their highest potential of health or weakening of new cells, creating a downward spiral-degeneration.

Fortune Delight - Super Hydrate


Calli - Daily Detox


SunnyDew - The Healthy Sweet

NuPlus - Super Cell Foods